Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Review on Star Trek Into Darkness

   Now,I know that this movie has been out for months now but I did see this movie before I saw the first one.The only reason why I saw this movie was because of Benedict Cumberbatch. Now If you don't know who this is then I recommend you to watch the show Sherlock because he's just amazing in it. Now,he plays the bad guy in this movie,so I was kinda torn on who to root for. But anyway back to the movie now if you saw the first movie your gonna love this one and if you haven't seen this movie yet,i'm not gonna give any spoilers but what I will say is that that there is a lot of action like always and you might see Spock finally kick some ass. Also there is a sad part in the movie and I'm not got say what is...if you seen the movie then you know what I'm talking about and if you don't know what i'm talking about then I suggest you go and watch the movie because it is incredible and I don't think it will disappoint you when you see it. But come on,Chris Pine,Benedict Cumberbatch,and Zachery Quinto is in this movie....why would you want to see it. So I suggest you to watch this movie,trust me you'll love it.

My Star Trek Review

   Okay....I Just Saw The Movie Star Trek For The First Time Last Night and it was freaking amazing...I don't know what took me so long to see it but now that I have seen it I Can't Stop Watching it. Now, if you been living under a rock and you haven't see it,then you should go and see it because it's the best movie ever ! My favorite character in the whole movie is Spock....I just freaking love him and when I saw Spock and Uhura    kiss I just lost,because when they kissed in front of captain Kirk and the face he made when he saw them kissing was just freaking priceless....So If You haven't seen it,I recommend you to watch it because their a lot of action in it and bunch of other stuff that I think you would enjoy,because take it from me I never thought I would watch or like this move but I do...So you never know if you are gonna like it or not,you just have to watch it and see for yourselves.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Review On The New Show Twisted

Okay,now I know I haven't posted anything in a while but I'm back now and I want to talk about ABC Family's new show Twisted Starring Victorious's Star Avan Jogia. So,The Series focuses on sixteen-year-old Danny Desai, who returns to his hometown after killing his aunt five years ago, when he was 11. While trying to rekindle old friendships and facing the challenge of dealing with his judgmental peers, Danny becomes the prime suspect in the murder of a fellow classmate upon his return. Realizing the town does not care about the truth and only wants him convicted no matter what, Danny becomes determined to clear his name. Meanwhile, he must also keep another secret under wraps—the true reason he killed his aunt. Now,The First 2 episodes have already aired on abc family on Tuesday at 9:00 pm and so far the show is really amazing and addictive....just seeing the first episode I was already hooked and when the girl Regina got murdered I was so man that they automatically blamed Danny for her murder just because he supposedly killed his aunt but I think he didn't do it because he was just a kid when his aunt died,he was just a kid he wouldn't have enough strength to choke his aunt with a jump rope. So,Now he is being blamed for Regina's Death just because of Text message that she had sent to Danny late at night but also Regina's necklace was the only thing that was missing when they found her body and the necklace was the same necklace that Danny's aunt had too. No one know where Regina got this necklace and Danny has the necklace and if the police find this necklace,their suspicion on Danny will be right if they find that necklace. Now I don't know if it's the necklace belongs to the aunt or if their are two of the same necklaces but I guess we will find out tonight because today's new episode looks like it's gonna be really good. So,I Recommend you to watch it and see for yourselves if you like it and I think it worth seeing and if just a bonus if you don't like the show you can just see it Avan Jogia because that guy is really have fun watching the show tonight at 9:00 pm on ABC Family.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Malice In Wonderland Review

So this movie is another version of Alice In Wonderland but with a Twist,I think it's a really amazing movie.
So starts with Alice running away from some guys and then she sees this homeless lady who she gives money to and they lady told her that she will see Alice again. Now i'm obsessed with anything do with Alice in wonderland I don't know why I just do. so what happens next in the movie as Alice is running she gets hit by a cab by a guy named Whitey who's basically the white rabbit in the movie. so basically this is what the movie is about,An American law student in London. Knocked down by a black cab, she wakes with amnesia in a world that's a million miles from home - Wonderland. We follow her adventures as she's dragged through an underworld filled with twisted individuals and the lowest low-lifers, by the enigmatic cab driver, Whitey. She needs to find out who she is, where she's from and use what wits she has left to get back home in one piece. As her journey progresses she discovers nothing is what it seems, realizes that fate and life are terminally entwined, and finds true love lurking in the unlikeliest place. Now when they say in "Unlikeliest place" Alice falls for whitey and she gets 15 minutes to go back and save him because he gets shot and dies. Then she finds her real mother who turns out to be the homeless lady she came money at the beginning. this is a really awesome movie and I like and I recommend you watch it and see for yourself if you like it.

The Other Guys Review

Yesterday I Saw the movie The Other Guys Starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg and I have to say is it was Hilarious.
The Rock and Samuel Jackson are also in but only I  think for the first 20 minutes then they die. they jump off the roof of a really tall building and as they are falling the song hero by the Foo fighters is playing then SPLAT ! they die and The rock turn to Samuel Jackson and said "Aim for the bushes" all I'm think is "what bushes ?....there aren't any bushes near you guys, Idiots." the truth is i knew these guys were gonna die the first i saw them. so after the funeral Mark's Character Terry decides that it's his and Will's character Allen's turn to be the heroes but when keep trying they just keep messing up until they get a lead and it's a really good one about a guy stealing money.There is this 2 scenes that I think is really funny and the first one, Mark's character gets into fight with other cop at a funeral and they are fighting and rolling around on the ground really quietly then the Chief   played by Michael Keaton starts yelling at them really quietly,I thought it was funny. Then the other scene that i thought was funny that when Terry meets Allen's wife and it Eva Mendez and he just keeps asking him "who is that ?" over and over again because he can't believe that a guy like Allen got at hot wife like that. but after that crazy stuff start to happen to them like they almost get blow up,they get their guns and shoes taken. A lot more funny stuff happens until they actually save the day and catch the bad guys. So I Recommend you guys to watch this movie because it's a really funny movie and it's worth seeing.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Julie & Julia:My Review

Now I've Seen Julie & Julia about well I don't know like 10 to 12 times and I  Can't stop watching it,because it's just so amazing i can't stop watching it every time it comes on TV, and Meryl Streep did an amazing job on portraying Julia Child and so did Amy Adams as  Julie Powell . now I've seen Julie Powell's Blog,I only wish she would have kept blogging but I guess she's too busy. but anyway back to the movie,I hate to admit this but before this movie I had no idea who Julia Child even was and for me that is just sad because I think everyone knows who she is and they don't,they are not alone.
So,in the movie you get 2 different stories which are Julia's story and Julie's story on doing a blog of her doing all the recipes for Julia Child's Cookbook,"Mastering The Art Of French Cooking" Now I don't know if it's just me but I Feel like every time  I see this movie I feel like learning to do those recipes,like her recipe for beef bourguignon, I just wanna learn how to do it so I can make it for my family. Also I would love to learn how to Poaching eggs because in the movie it said it taste like cheese sauce and I wanna make sure that if really does take like that. Anyway the movie was amazing there is nothing much to say but amazing. So, I recommend everyone to see this movie if you haven't already. Or if you don't wanna see the movie then read the book but if your not a big fan in reading then please watch the movie,trust me you won't regret it.